
What is an isometric exercise?

Aug 27, 2021 by

What is an isometric exercise?

What is an isometric exercise?

An isometric exercise is also known as static strength training. During isometric exercises, the muscle doesn’t change the length and the affected joint doesn’t move. These require you to hold the position, that’s why they are also known as static strength training. You may already be doing isometric exercises but don’t know what they are. They can include yoga poses such as chair and tree poses and the side bridge.

This type of exercise has its own benefits. They are ideal for those with small workout space, limited exercise equipment, existing knee discomfort, or anyone needing a change in their regular fitness routine. These moves can improve strength in one body position, but they should be used in conjunction with a more dynamic exercise regimen. It is also important to squeeze while you’re holding the position since you’re not relying on movement to fatigue your muscles.

Remember that these isometric hold exercises can be adjusted to suit your current level of fitness. For example, if the 15-second body holds are too challenging, you can aim for 10 seconds and build up as you get stronger over time. The idea of these static holds is to push your limits without causing true injury. Soreness can be expected, but be sure to listen to your body if you experience excruciating pain.

Watch the video below to see an explanation of an isometric exercise!

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